Shravan Parsi


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True Testimony

Shams W.Pawel

Behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarks grove right at the coast

Shams W.Pawel

Behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarks grove right at the coast

Shams W.Pawel

Behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarks grove right at the coast

Shams W.Pawel

Behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarks grove right at the coast

What’s inside?

From Side Hustle to the Main Show
Know Your Industry
Team and Talent
Using Time and Leverage to Seize Opportunity
The Potential of Downsides
Ask Really Good Questions and Delegate to Experts
Networking and Giving Back: Creating a Center of Influence
Up and Out: Stretching Limits
shrvan parsi's forbes published ebook
Grady Harp

"Texas author Parsi Shravan was born in India, earned his degree from Manipal Academy of Higher Education, and moved to the US to complete his education at St John’s University, New York, training as a pharmaceutical scientist. He began investing in real estate, and enjoyed great success. He founded a commercial real estate firm – American Ventures LLC – specializing in multifamily workforce housing and is the CEO of that impressive company."


"The author, Parsi Shravan, of The Science Of The Deal: The DNA Of Multifamily & Commercial Real Estate Investing has a strong background in real estate business. His writing clearly displays is extensive knowledge and experience. For those in or going to go into real estate investments, specifically commercial and multifamily dwellings, this is a book you should read. Shravan shares his story of how he transitioned from a scientist to a successful investor."

mint tea

"This book will help you understand how to invest in real estate. The author does his best to tell you about the journey that he had, how he adapted along the way, how he became an investor, and how you can apply the same ideas in your life and to your business. It hit home for me a little more because I am familiar with many places he talked about in the book. There is no falseness in this book either. "

What’s inside


From Side Hustle to the Main Show


Know Your Industry


Team and Talent


Using Time and Leverage to Seize Opportunity


The Potential of Downsides


Ask Really Good Questions and Delegate to Experts


Networking and Giving Back: Creating a Center of Influence


Up and Out: Stretching Limits

The Science of the Deal®: The DNA of Multifamily & Commercial Real Estate Investing

Applying science, analytics and insight to multi-family property investing, Shravan outlines his unique strategy to data-driven real estate investing for modern times. Leveraging deep insight for each deal structure, Shravan outlines how he has built tremendous success through his investment history.

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The Science of the Deal®: The DNA of Multifamily & Commercial Real Estate Investing In his book, The Science of the Deal®, the DNA of Multifamily & Commercial Real Estate Investing, Shravan Parsi demystifies the deal and distills the best practices and principles of real estate investing down to a science; one that can be learned, rather than discovered.

Shravan Parsi firmly believes deal making has elements of both Art & Science. We’re conditioned to think of deal making as an art alone. “Art” may suggest that success is contingent on some undefined, subjective element, the knowledge of which is accessible only to a select few enlightened individuals.

Shravan Parsi believes his book encourages readers to step outside the comfort zones of their careers, and pick up a potentially lucrative side hustle that could upstage their expectations. Parsi shares how he went from a pharmaceutical scientist to the Founder and CEO of American Ventures:

Know your industry Build great teams with great talent Perfect your timing to leverage opportunities The potential downsides lurching in the shadows How important it is to ask good questions Create a center of influence Stretch your limits With The Science of the Deal®, the DNA of Multifamily & Commercial Real Estate Investing, Shravan Parsi puts commercial real estate investment success within the reach of anyone willing to hustle.


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